Panda.Ioc - What can you inject
Where to inject?
There are two entries where you can inject values into the object.
- Constructor parameters
- Property
Inject parameters into the constructor
Your JSON configuration file will be like this:
tom : {
type : 'panda.demo.ioc.json.Pet',
args : ['Tom']
The value of args is an array where each element will correspond to a parameter of the constructor. Of course, you must ensure that you have such a constructor.
Injecting parameters into properties
Your JSON configuration file will be like this:
tom : {
type : 'panda.demo.ioc.json.Pet',
fields : {
name : 'Tom'
If you do not need to write type, then you can use shorthand mode:
tom: { name: 'Tom' }
The value can be more than just a string, it can also be of the following type.
tom : { dead: true }
tom : { age: 24 }
Anonymous Object
tom : {
friend: {
type : 'panda.demo.ioc.json.Pet',
fields : { name : 'Jerry' }
For anonymous objects, see here.
tom : { friend: '#jerry' }
friend: ‘#jerry’ will refer to another object named “jerry” in the container
IOC container ifself
tom : { myIoc : '#$Ioc' }
A special reference, case insensitive, the value is the Ioc container itself
Object Name
tom : { beanName : '#$Name'}
A special reference, case insensitive, the value is the name of the object, ie “tom”
IOC Container Context
tom : { myContext : '#$Ctx' }
A special reference, case insensitive, the value is the context (interface panda.ioc.IocContext) of the current IOC container
JSON Object/Array
If your object’s field is an array, collection, or Map, it’s natural to set its value using JSON, isn’t it?
tom : { favorites: [ 'banana', 'bug' ] }
tom : { favorites: "![ 'banana', 'bug' ]" }
EL Expression
This is an extremely flexible injection method that allows you to do almost anything. Because it allows you to directly call a Java method.
For a more detailed description, see EL Expression.
Here are just a few of the major ways of using:
Static Property
tom : { staticField : "${''@staticPropertyName}" }
Static Method
tom : { staticField : "${''@staticFunc()}" }
Static Method with parameters (parameters can be any type)
tom : { staticField : "${''@staticFunc('param', true)}" }
Object in the IOC container
tom : { friend: '${jerry}' },
jerry : { type : '' }
Property of the object in the IOC container
tom : { oneField : '${}' } ,
jerry : { type: ''}
Method’s return value of the object in the IOC container
tom : { oneField : '${jerry.getXXX()}' } ,
jerry : { type: ''}
Method’s return value of the object in the IOC container (with parameters)
tom : { oneField : '${jerry.getXXX("some string", true, 34)}' } ,
jerry : { type: ''}