Panda.Ioc - Hello World
Ioc simply means that some configuration information about object dependencies is stored separately in some media, and an interface is provided to help users obtain these objects.
If you have never been in contact with the IOC, it is recommended that you read this article first.
Panda.Ioc supports dependency configuration in the form of Json/XML/@Annotation. Of course, you can extend it and provide your own configuration file loading method.
I will use a JSON configuration file as a Hello World example as below.
A simple example
In this example, you need a POJO java class, and a JSON configuration file.
POJO source code
package panda.ioc.sample.json;
import java.util.Date;
public class Pet {
private String name;
private Date birthday;
private Pet friend;
public Pet() {
public Pet(String name) { = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public Date getBirthday() {
return birthday;
public void setBirthday(Date birthday) {
this.birthday = birthday;
public Pet getFriend() {
return friend;
public void setFriend(Pet friend) {
this.friend = friend;
public String toString() {
return "Pet [name=" + name + ", birthday=" + birthday + ", friend=" + friend + "]";
Json configuration
// By default, you only need is declaring the value of each field, Panda.Ioc will convert it's type for you
tom: {
name: 'Tom',
birthday: '2009-10-25 15:23:40'
jerry: {
type: 'panda.ioc.sample.json.Pet', // type
singleton: false, // singleton or not
args: [ 'Jerry' ], // constructor parameters
fields: {
birthday : '2009-11-3 08:02:14',
friend : '#tom' // refer to another object in the container
Calling source code
package panda.ioc.sample.json;
import panda.ioc.Ioc;
import panda.ioc.impl.DefaultIoc;
import panda.ioc.loader.JsonIocLoader;
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Ioc ioc = new DefaultIoc(new JsonIocLoader("panda/demo/ioc/json/Pets.json"));
Pet tom = ioc.get(Pet.class, "tom");
// because the type is declared in the configuration file, it's not need to pass the type parameter
Pet jerry = (Pet)ioc.get(null, "jerry");
// by declaring singleton: false, every time you fetch it, a new instance is created
Pet jerry2 = (Pet)ioc.get(null, "jerry");
System.out.println("jerry == jerry2: " + (jerry == jerry2));
Pet [name=Tom, birthday=Sun Oct 25 15:23:40 GMT 2009, friend=null]
Pet [name=Jerry, birthday=Tue Nov 03 08:02:14 GMT 2009, friend=Pet [name=Tom, birthday=Sun Oct 25 15:23:40 GMT 2009, friend=null]]
jerry == jerry2: false
- What you can inject →
- [How to define the object →] (
- Annotation Loader →
- [Event Listening →] (
- [XML Configuration →] (
- [Composite Loader →] (
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